Mother and son

Written by Bert Plomp

In “Mother and son” Bert Plomp takes readers on an emotional journey through his relationship with his mother, filled with humour, teasing, and profound reflections. The story offers an intimate look at the complexity of parent-child relationships, with all the ups and downs that come with them.
The story begins with an honest description of the protagonist’s mother – a strong, feisty woman with a sharp tongue and unwavering opinions. Plomp candidly shares his struggles with their relationship, which initially was fraught but gradually improved as he grew older. He describes how he teased his mother, especially regarding her faith, and how she met this with humour and understanding.
One of the most touching aspects of the story is the description of the mother’s love for singing and her deep faith. Plomp vividly portrays her involvement in the church choir and her passion for religious music, as well as her dedication to spreading the faith as a member of the Salvation Army. This aspect of her life provides an interesting contrast to her sons’ more rebellious attitudes towards religion, resulting in some amusing anecdotes and teasing.
The author manages to honour his mother in a touching way, even as he highlights her vibrant personality and quirks. He paints a picture of a woman who, despite her own challenges, always stood ready for others, as evidenced by her dedication to the church choir and her care for her family, even during her own illness.
“Mother and Son” is a poignant and humorous portrait of a mother-son relationship, filled with love, teasing, and deep connection. Bert Plomp succeeds in commemorating his mother in a respectful and loving manner, while also offering a captivating glimpse into the complexity of family ties.

Part 1: Charming young people

Part 2: Mother sings

Part 3: Teasing

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