Capital and labour

Written by Bert Plomp

In “Capital and labour” Bert Plomp takes the reader on a nostalgic journey through his youth, where as a stamp collector, he discovers a fascinating world. Through his vivid descriptions, the reader is transported to the Netherlands of the 1950s and 1960s, where stamp collecting was not only a hobby but also a form of trade and adventure.

The story begins with Plomp’s own experiences as a young collector, who ingeniously gathered stamps from every nook and cranny, including the trash cans of affluent neighbours. His passion for stamps grows steadily, and he shares lively anecdotes about his adventures at the stamp market and his trading practices with friends and neighbours.

What makes this story so captivating is not only Plomp’s description of his own experiences but also how he intertwines them with the social and economic context of the time. Through his humorous and insightful observations, the reader gains insight into the Netherlands of yesteryear, with its quirks and social dynamics.

Another interesting aspect of the story is how Plomp reflects on his youthful antics and trading practices, and how they have shaped his later views on ethics and justice. His honest and candid descriptions make the story not only entertaining but also educational.

Part 1: From collector to researcher

Part 2: Queen Astrid of Belgium

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